Brief Updates – July 2022

Coop CurrentsCoop News

Fall Membership Gathering

Join WEC for an in-person membership gathering and cookout lunch on Saturday, September 10, 2022 from 11 AM – 3 PM at the WEC Operations Center, 230 Fassett Road in East Montpelier.
Lunch is free and available by reservation only. Click here to RSVP.

Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc. Operations Center in East Montpelier
Open House at Coventry Landfill

Join WEC and Casella Waste Systems for the first open house at the landfill since 2019! Tour WEC’s generation plant and learn how landfill gas is captured to generate electricity.
Saturday, September 17, 21 Landfill Lane, Newport, VT 05855. Click here for details.

A young visitor at the Coventry Plant.
Digital Co-op Currents

Starting in 2022, Co-op Currents is both a print and online publication. If you prefer to read your news online, you can save the Co-op paper and postage by opting out of the print publication and going digital-only.

Subscribe and change your preferences anytime right here.

Got something to say?

Letter to the editor, comment, or a story tip? Drop us a line at or
Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 8, East Montpelier, VT 05651, Attn: Co-op Currents.

Where’s WEC?

Summer is here, and crews are busy working to keep rights-of-way clear. Right-of-way maintenance is necessary to keep your power safe and reliable. Click here for right-of-way updates.

Where are tree crews trimming WEC’s roadside rights-of-way?

  • Cold Spring
  • Ferno
  • Flint
  • George
  • Orange
  • Riddell
  • Slate Hill Drive


  • Minister Brook
  • Calais


  • Shady Rill
Energy coach: Call your contractor

Thinking about weatherizing your home before the winter?
Ready to replace your inefficient or fossil fuel appliances with a new, efficient device –
made more affordable through financial incentives from WEC and Efficiency Vermont?

Make an appointment with your contractor today. Materials are scarcer than they used
to be, and it takes longer than in the past to get the work done. Don’t delay.

Some members may be eligible to have weatherization work done at no cost to them
through the community action agencies in WEC’s service area: Capstone and NEKCA.

Curious about incentives available to you? Contact the Energy Coach today: 802-224-

WEC Office Closed to Public: Call or Email Only

WEC’s office in East Montpelier is now closed to members of the public. Thank you for
understanding. You may reach any staff member or Board member by phone or email.
WEC’s website is and phone numbers are 802-223-5245 and toll free at 1-

Thank you!

Have your finances taken a hit?

Don’t let your WEC bill go past due, or grow beyond what you can manage. Help is
A Member Services Representative will help you put together a budget that
works for you. Plus, there are state programs that may help pay down your bill.

Call us today, and we’ll help you put together a plan: 802-223-5245 and toll free at 1-

Sign up for outage alerts on SmartHub

As of May 15, 2022, Washington Electric Co-op is sending emailed notifications of
scheduled outages through SmartHub. To continue receiving outage updates by email,
you must sign up through SmartHub. Click here to access WEC’s SmartHub login page.

Outage updates will continue to be posted on the Outage Center page of, and
auto-calls will be generated to those affected by outages.
By updating your notifications settings in SmartHub, you will receive targeted, real-time
information about the outage affecting your line, delivered right to your phone or email.
You can also receive billing and usage alerts.

If you don’t yet use SmartHub, you can start today: it’s accessible by computer, tablet,
or smartphone. Call in an outage, manage your usage, pay your bill, and review your
payment history all in one place.

If you would like help setting up your account, a WEC Member Services Representative
will be happy to help: call 802-223-5245.

Emergency Resources


Running out of fuel? No matter where in Vermont you live, if you are in danger of running out of fuel this winter, call the toll-free Emergency Fuel Assistance number: 1-800-479-6151.

Mental health – call 988


  • Vermont Foodbank: 800-585-2265.
  • Capstone Community Action:
  • Northeast Kingdom Community Action:
  • Everyone Eats:
  • 3SquaresVT: 855-855-6181,

Call 211 to find any emergency resource you need: food, mental health, fuel, shelter, and anything else.