
Board Meeting Information

2025 Board Meeting Calendar

Thanks for your interest! Oversight of WEC by its member-owners represents one of the unique aspects of how electric cooperatives are governed. Directors serve at large, representing over 11,000 members throughout WEC’s service territory. It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure the financial stability and well-being of the Co-op, equitable treatment of its members, safe operations and distribution of power, environmental stewardship in performing its core mission of providing power, and support of the communities it serves.

If you would like to participate in the democratic governance of your electric Co-op, download a Confirmation of Membership form (PDF), review the included information about the Co-op and Board of Directors, and return the completed form to Once your membership is confirmed, you will receive a copy of the informational packet for prospective candidates.

We encourage you to contact Board President Stephen Knowlton with any further questions on what it means to serve on the WEC Board of Directors. Steve can be reached at or 802-595-5825.

Please feel free to call us at 802-223-5245 with any questions about the elections process.

Washington Electric Cooperative Board of Directors

Image of Stephen Knowlton
Stephen Knowlton
East Montpelier, VT
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Mary Just Skinner
Vice President
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Bill Powell
Bill Powell
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Donald Douglas
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Susan Alexander
Susan Alexander
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Pat Barnes
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Betsy Allen
Plainfield, VT
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Olivia Campbell Andersen
East Montpelier, VT
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Steve Farnham
Plainfield, VT
Image of Stephen Knowlton
Ian Buchanan
Ian Buchanan
East Montpelier, VT